Does North Carolina Family Law Pertain Only to Ending Family Relationships?

Does North Carolina Family Law Pertain Only to Ending Family Relationships?

Family law is actually more about repairing and establishing family relationships than about ending them. While individuals often turn to a Raleigh family law attorney to help resolve highly contentious situations, lawyers typically view their roles in terms of unification rather than separation.

North Carolina General Statutes contain 13 separate chapters concerning family law. While the law addresses divorce and other issues perceived as negatively affecting family relationships, it also covers events that begin new relationships — such as marriage and adoption. In other cases, couples seeking a legal separation actually may be taking the first steps toward repairing a damaged relationship.

It is also important to recognize that even divorce seeks to preserve family relationships, albeit in a different way. An experienced family law lawyer in Raleigh, NC encourages divorcing couples to enter into divorce negotiations with a cooperative spirit that can extend past the final divorce decree. Even when families no longer live together, parents can continue to present a unified front, to help ensure consistency in the upbringing of their children — and continue the amicable relationship both parties need to successfully move forward.

Anyone who needs assistance with a family law issue should take the time to find a lawyer who demonstrates sensitivity and a true desire to understand your personal needs and goals. At the law firm of Hatch, Little & Bunn, L.L.P., we have the compassion needed to guide clients through rough times, and the resourcefulness needed to find creative solutions and attain desirable results. Contact us to learn how we can help.